Bring Home the Bakery
recipe book
Breadman® Bread maker
see reverse side
❍ BK2000B
❍ BK2000BQ
automatic fruit & nut dispenser: This feature automatically adds extra
ingredients like fruits and nuts to some recipes that use the traditional
bread pan. The ingredients used in the fruit & nut dispenser are always
listed after the yeast in the ingredients list. Use this feature with the
traditional bread pan only, when the amount to add is less than 2/3 cup;
do not use with the 1-lb. bread pans.
IT’s TIme To bRInG home The
Your Breadman® Bread Maker makes it easy to prepare and bake
a variety of breads, dough, and even jams and chutney! The unique
features of this bread maker are each designed to deliver bakery-
quality results with ease. You can find out more in the Use & Care
section of this book, but the features below are especially important
to note as you get started with these recipes.
Table of ConTenTs
Cinnamon Raisin Bread .........................................32
Golden Potato Bread ..............................................33
Cherry Almond Bread ............................................34
Chocolate Hazelnut Bread .....................................35
Cranberry Orange Bread........................................36
Panettone ...............................................................37
Pumpkin Apple Bread ............................................38
Pumpkin Pecan Bread ...........................................39
Tropical Fruit Bread ...............................................40
Basic White Bread....................................................6
Multi-Seeded White Bread.......................................7
Beer Bread ...............................................................8
Oatmeal Bread .........................................................9
Anadama Bread......................................................10
Coconut Hazelnut Bread ........................................11
Maple Walnut Bread...............................................12
Swiss Cheese Bread...............................................13
Onion Cheese Bread...............................................14
Collapsible kneading Paddles: These unique paddles are designed to
collapse automatically before baking begins. You can avoid the hassle
of removing the paddle from your finished loaf and leaving a hole in the
bottom of your bread. Use these paddles in the traditional bread pan
only; do not use with the 1-lb. bread pans.
GluTen fRee Gluten Free Bread..................................................41
Gluten Free Buttermilk Bread ...............................42
Gluten Free Herb Bread.........................................43
Gluten Free Pumpernickel Bread..........................44
Seeded Gluten Free Bread.....................................45
Spelt Bread.............................................................46
Gluten Free Potato & Chive Bread.........................47
Whole WheaT Whole Wheat Bread................................................15
100% Whole Wheat Bread......................................16
Caraway Rye Bread ................................................17
Pumpernickel Bread ..............................................18
Oatmeal Pecan Bread ............................................19
Whole Wheat Cranberry Bread..............................20
Whole Wheat Raisin Bread.....................................21
Yogurt Whole Wheat Bread ....................................22
QuICk bRead Banana Macadamia Quick Bread...........................48
Coconut Ginger Quick Bread..................................49
Gingerbread Quick Bread.......................................50
Orange Date Nut Quick Bread................................51
Orange Walnut Quick Bread...................................52
Prune Poppy Seed Quick Bread.............................53
Classic French Bread.............................................23
Herbed French Bread.............................................24
Peppered French Bread .........................................25
Olive Rosemary French Bread ...............................26
Italian Semolina Bread...........................................27
Herbed Italian Loaf.................................................28
Asiago Pesto Bread................................................29
Pepperoni Parmesan Bread...................................30
Sundried Tomato Parmesan Bread........................31
Dinner Rolls
Apricot Key Lime Preserves.........................75
Blueberry Mango Preserves ........................76
Blueberry Pineapple Preserves ...................77
Peachy Lemon Preserves.............................78
Pineapple Papaya Preserves........................79
Raspberry Mango Preserves........................80
Strawberry Kiwi Preserves...........................81
Curried Apple Mango Marmalade................82
Orange Mojo Marmalade..............................83
Apple Curry Chutney ....................................84
Pepper Chutney............................................85
Chipotle Ketchup ..........................................86
1-lb. loaf
(also includes Cinnamon Roll variation)................54
Sweet Wheat Dinner Rolls ....................................55
Onion Rolls.............................................................56
Best Ever Pizza Dough
Basic White Bread, 1-lb. loaf...........................87
Multi-Seeded White Bread, 1-lb. loaf..............88
Oatmeal Bread, 1-lb. loaf ................................89
Coconut Hazelnut Bread, 1-lb. loaf .................90
Maple Walnut Bread, 1-lb. loaf........................91
Swiss Cheese Bread, 1-lb. loaf........................92
Onion Cheese Bread, 1-lb. loaf........................93
Whole Wheat Bread, 1-lb. loaf.........................94
100% Whole Wheat Bread, 1-lb. loaf...............95
Whole Wheat Cranberry Bread, 1-lb. loaf .......96
Whole Wheat Raisin Bread, 1-lb. loaf..............97
Yogurt Whole Wheat Bread, 1-lb. loaf .............98
Olive Rosemary French Bread, 1-lb. loaf ........99
Herbed Italian Loaf, 1-lb. loaf........................100
Pepperoni Parmesan Bread, 1-lb. loaf..........101
Cinnamon Raisin Bread, 1-lb. loaf.................102
Golden Potato Bread, 1-lb. loaf .....................103
Cherry Almond Bread, 1-lb. loaf....................104
Cranberry Orange Bread, 1-lb. loaf...............105
Tropical Fruit Bread, 1-lb. loaf.......................106
Gluten Free Buttermilk Bread, 1-lb. loaf ......107
Gluten Free Herb Bread, 1-lb. loaf ................108
Gluten Free Pumpernickel Bread, 1-lb. loaf . 109
Seeded Gluten Free Bread, 1-lb. loaf ............110
Gluten Free Potato Bread, 1-lb. loaf..............111
Low Carb Whole Wheat Bread, 1-lb. loaf ......112
(also includes Foccacia variation)..........................57
Whole Wheat Pizza Dough .....................................58
Gluten Free Pizza Dough........................................59
Grissini ...................................................................60
Philadelphia Soft Pretzels......................................61
Apple Filled Baked Doughnuts...............................62
Apple Filled Challah...............................................63
Raspberry Pecan Twist...........................................64
Apricot Braid ..........................................................65
Sweet Potato Pecan Braid .....................................66
Candy Cane Cherry Braid.......................................67
Holiday Stollen .......................................................68
loW CaRb
Low Carb Seeded Bread.........................................69
Low Carb Whole Wheat Bread ...............................70
Low Carb Rye Bread...............................................71
Low Carb Almond Bread........................................72
Low Carb Molasses Bread .....................................73
Low Carb Pecan Bread...........................................74
basIC WhITe bRead
mulTI-seeded WhITe bRead
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 87.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 88.
1¼ cups
2 tbsp.
1¾ cups
¼ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1½ cups
3 tbsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 cup
+ 1½ tbsp.
11/3 cups
1½ cups
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
Vegetable oil
1½ tbsp.
3 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
2 tsp.
2 tbsp.
¼ cup
2½ tbsp.
1/3 cup
2 tsp.
1 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
4 cups
1½ tsp.
4 tsp.
Dry skim milk powder
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
¼ cup
1¾ tsp.
4 tsp.
Dry skim milk powder
Sunflower seeds
Flax seeds
2 tbsp.
¼ cup
2½ tbsp.
1/3 cup
Bread flour
3¼ cups
1¼ tsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
makes 1 loaf
Bread machine yeast
Vital wheat gluten
5 cups
1½ tsp.
Poppy seeds
1½ tsp.
2 tsp.
Black sesame seeds
Sesame seeds
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
½ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
¾ cup
2 tsp.
1 tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
½ cup
2¾ cups
1¾ tsp.
3½ cups
2¼ tsp.
3¾ cups
2½ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
beeR bRead
oaTmeal bRead
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 89.
½ cup
½ cup
¼ cup
¾ cup
½ cup
¾ cup
Beer (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Buttermilk (80°F – 90°F) 1¼ cups
1½ cups
1/3 cup
2 tbsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup
Green onions,
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
1 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
3¾ cups
2 tsp.
Maple syrup
1½ tbsp.
¾ cup
2 tbsp.
1 cup
1 tsp.
(not pancake syrup)
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
3 cups
1½ tsp.
Oatmeal, instant or
makes 1 loaf
makes 1 loaf
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
4 cups
4 tsp.
3 tsp.
Bread flour
3½ cups
3 tsp.
Vital wheat gluten
Bread machine yeast
2 tsp.
anadama bRead
Water (80°F – 90°F)
CoConuT haZelnuT bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except sunflower seeds, into bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
3. Add sunflower seeds into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients, except toasted hazelnuts, into bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: For 1½ and 2-lb. loaves, you can add the toasted hazelnuts
into automatic fruit & nut dispenser; for 2½-lb loaf, we recommend
waiting and adding directly into the bread pan at the “add ingredient”
beep, since the full amount required for the recipe is more than the
dispenser will hold.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 90.
1 cup + 2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
11/3 cups
1½ cups
¼ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
1 cup
+ 2 tbsp.
Dry skim milk powder
3 tbsp.
¼ cup
Unsalted butter or
1 tbsp.
¼ cup
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
2 tbsp.
margarine, cut in pieces
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
Unsweetened coconut
1/3 cup
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1 tsp.
½ cup
3 tbsp.
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
4 cups
2¼ tsp.
1 cup
Chopped candied ginger 2 tbsp.
Yellow cornmeal
½ cup
4 cups
1½ tsp.
½ cup
¾ cup
4½ cups
2 tsp.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Light brown sugar
Dry skim milk powder
1½ tbsp.
Bread flour
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 tbsp.
¾ tsp.
2½ cups
¾ tsp.
¼ cup
Bread machine yeast
Unsalted sunflower seeds
makes 1 loaf
½ cup
Bread flour
3½ cups
2 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
makes 1 loaf
Chopped lightly toasted
½ cup
maPle WalnuT bRead
sWIss Cheese bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except walnuts, into bread pan in the order
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
3. Add walnuts into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 91.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 92.
1 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 cup
+ 2 tbsp.
11/3 cups
1½ cups
Buttermilk (80°F – 90°F) ¾ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Shredded Swiss cheese
1/3 cup
¾ cup
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
½ cup
1 cup
Vegetable oil
4 tbsp.
6 tbsp.
6 tbsp.
6 tbsp.
6 tbsp.
2/3 cup
Maple syrup (not pan-
cake syrup)
1½ tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
1 tsp.
Baking powder
Dried dill
Lemon extract
½ tsp.
1 tsp.
1 cup
¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
¾ tsp.
¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
1¼ tsp.
1¾ cup
Dried chives
1 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Uncooked oatmeal,
instant or regular
1½ cups
1½ tsp.
4 cups
2½ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Bread flour
3½ cups
¾ tsp.
4 cups
2¼ tsp.
2/3 cup
4½ cups
2½ tsp.
2/3 cup
Bread flour
3½ cups
1¾ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Walnuts, chopped
Bread machine yeast
½ cup
Whole WheaT bRead
onIon Cheese bRead
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 94.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 93.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
½ cup
¼ cup
¼ cup
¾ cup
¼ cup
1/3 cup
½ cup
1/3 cup
¾ cup
½ cup
½ cup
¼ cup
1 cup
2/3 cup
2/3 cup
1/3 cup
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Cottage cheese
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Small curd cottage
cheese (80°F – 90°F)
Shredded Swiss cheese
¼ cup
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (Kneading paddle may remain in
bread. Remove paddle when bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Grated Parmesan
3 tbsp.
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
3 tbsp.
¼ cup
1½ tbsp.
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
2 tsp.
1 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
1 cup
¼ cup
makes 1 loaf
2 tsp.
2½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
1½ tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
2 tsp.
2 tbsp.
1¾ tsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
3¼ cups
1¾ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
1¼ cups
2¾ cups
2¼ tsp.
2½ cups
1¾ tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
3¾ cups
2¼ tsp.
Instant minced onion
Parsley, chopped
Bread flour
1 tbsp.
2¾ cups
1¼ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
100% Whole WheaT bRead
CaRaWaY RYe bRead
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 95.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from bread pan. (If kneading paddle
remains in bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Place egg in a measuring cup; add water to required amount.
Pour into bread pan.
2. Add remaining ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
¾ cup
1 cup
Large eggs, at room
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Enough to
measure 1¼
cups with egg
Enough to
measure 1¾
cups with egg
1½ cup
3 tbsp.
¾ cup
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
1½ cups
1 cup
¼ cup
¼ cup
3 tbsp.
2 tsp.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
¼ cup
1¾ tsp.
4 cups
3 tbsp.
3 tsp.
1/3 cup
2½ tsp.
5 cups
¼ cup
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Dry skim milk powder
Whole wheat flour
Vital wheat gluten
Bread machine yeast
makes 1 loaf
Bread flour
Rye flour
2 cups
1¼ cups
1 cup
4½ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Whole wheat flour
Caraway seeds
Bread machine yeast
¾ cup
1½ tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
oaTmeal PeCan bRead
PumPeRnICkel bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except apricots and pecans, into bread
pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, add apricots and pecans.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1¼ cups
¼ cup
1½ cups
1/3 cup
1½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
Large eggs, at room
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
11/3 cups
¼ cup
Vegetable oil
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
½ cup
¼ cup
Dry oatmeal, instant
or regular
2/3 cup
Non fat Dry skim milk
3 tbsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
1 cup
11/3 cups
22/3 cups
2¼ tsp.
½ cup
Cocoa powder
Caraway seeds
Instant coffee granules
3 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
¼ cup
3 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tsp.
2½ cups
2 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Bread machine yeast
Dried apricots, chopped ½ cup
makes 1 loaf
1/3 cup
1½ tsp.
¾ cup
Pecans, chopped and
½ cup
Whole wheat flour
Rye flour
1 cup
¾ cup
1 cup
Bread flour
1½ cups
1¾ tsp.
2 cups
2¼ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Whole WheaT CRanbeRRY bRead
Whole WheaT RaIsIn bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except raisins and walnuts, into bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: For 1½-lb. loaf, you can add the raisins and walnuts into
automatic fruit & nut dispenser; for 2-lb. loaf, we recommend
waiting and adding directly into the bread pan at the “add ingredient”
beep, since the full amount required for the recipe is more than the
dispenser will hold.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 96.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 97.
1. Measure ingredients, except cranberries, into bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet
1 cup
1¼ cups
2 tbsp.
12/3 cups
1¼ cups
2½ tbsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, add cranberries.
2 tbsp.
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
2½ tbsp.
4 tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
4 tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
1 tsp.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1½ tsp.
1 tsp.
Grated orange peel
Grated orange peel
4 tsp.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from bread pan. (If kneading paddle
remains in bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1¼ tsp.
1½ cups
2½ cups
2 tsp.
1 tsp.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1¼ cups
2 cups
1 tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
Ground cinnamon
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
¾ tsp.
1¼ cups
2 cups
2 tsp.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1½ cups
2½ cups
3 tsp.
Vital wheat gluten
makes 1 loaf
Bread machine yeast
Vital wheat gluten
2 tsp.
1 tbsp.
1 cup
Bread machine yeast
Dried cranberries
1½ tsp.
1/3 cup
1/3 cup
2 tsp.
¾ cup
makes 1 loaf
½ cup
½ cup
Walnuts, chopped
YoGuRT Whole WheaT bRead
ClassIC fRenCh bRead
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 98.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1¼ cups
1 tbsp.
1¼ cups
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
4 cups
1½ tsp.
Plain nonfat yogurt
(80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
1 cup
1¼ tsp.
32/3 cups
1½ tsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Vegetable oil
½ cup
½ cup
Bread flour
1 tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
Bread machine yeast
Maple syrup
(not pancake syrup)
1½ tsp.
1¼ cups
2 cups
2 tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
1½ cups
2½ cups
2 tbsp.
2¼ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
makes 1 loaf
Bulgur wheat
Bread machine yeast
1½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
heRbed fRenCh bRead
PePPeRed fRenCh bRead
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains
in bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1¼ cups
1 tbsp.
2 tsp.
12/3 cups
1½ tbsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
½ tsp.
1 cup
2 cups
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1½ tsp.
½ tsp.
2 tsp.
Instant minced onion
Fresh parsley, chopped
Fresh garlic, minced
2 tsp.
Instant minced onion
Vital wheat gluten
Coarse ground pepper
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
1 tbsp.
½ tsp.
¼ tsp.
3½ cups
1 tsp.
2 tsp.
½ tsp.
1¼ tsp.
3½ cups
1½ tsp.
2 tsp.
Bread flour
3¾ cups
2 tsp.
Garlic pepper
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
makes 1 loaf
makes 1 loaf
5½ cups
2 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
olIVe RosemaRY fRenCh bRead
ITalIan semolIna bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except pine nuts, into bread pan in the order
listed. Add pine nuts into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid. Plug unit
into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 99.
1. Measure ingredients, except olives, into bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, add olives directly into the bread pan.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive Oil
1¼ cups
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1½ cups
2 tsp.
2 cups
1½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
1½ cups
3 tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
3¾ cups
1 cup
12/3 cups
1 tbsp.
2 tsp.
Rosemary garlic
seasoning blend
1½ tsp.
Bread flour
3 cups
¾ cup
Semolina flour
Bread machine yeast
Toasted pine nuts
Dried rosemary, crushed ¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
½ cup
2 tsp.
¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
2 tsp.
½ cup
1½ tsp.
3 cups
1¼ cups
2 tsp.
2 tsp.
Bread flour
Whole wheat flour
Bread machine yeast
2½ cups
1 cup
3½ cups
1½ cups
2¼ tsp.
1¼ cup
makes 1 loaf
makes 1 loaf
1½ tsp.
¾ cup
Kalamata olives, well
drained and chopped
1 cup
heRbed ITalIan loaf
asIaGo PesTo bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except pine nuts, into bread pan in the order
listed. Add pine nuts into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients, except toasted pine nuts, into bread pan
in the order listed. Add pine nuts into automatic fruit & nut
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 100.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1¼ cups
+ 2 tbsp.
1½ cups
1¼ cups
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tsp.
Extra virgin olive oil
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
½ cup
1/3 cup
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
Asiago cheese, shredded 1/3 cup
Instant minced onion
Fresh parsley, chopped
Minced fresh garlic
Prepared pesto
¼ cup
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
1¼ tsp.
4½ cups
2 tsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
Bread flour
4 cups
1½ tsp.
1/3 cup
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
5½ cups
2 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Toasted pine nuts
makes 1 loaf
Fresh basil, chopped
1 tbsp.
makes 1 loaf
½ cup
Fresh oregano, chopped 1 tbsp.
Bread flour
4½ cups
1¼ tsp.
1/3 cup
Bread machine yeast
Toasted pine nuts
½ cup
PePPeRonI PaRmesan bRead
sundRIed TomaTo
PaRmesan bRead
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 101.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
¾ cup
1/3 cup
1 cup
½ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1¼ cups
¼ cup
½ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 cup
Finely chopped
3 tbsp.
1/3 cup
Grated Parmesan
Mozzarella cheese
Italian seasoning
1 cup
1¼ cups
1 tsp.
Sundried tomatoes,
finely chopped
¼ cup
1/3 cup
¾ tsp.
¾ tsp.
¾ tsp.
3 cups
1¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
Italian parsley, chopped
Garlic pepper
2 tbsp.
¼ tsp.
1 tsp.
3 tbsp.
½ tsp.
1 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Bread flour
3¾ cups
2¼ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
1¼ tsp.
3¾ cups
2 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Bread flour
3 cups
1¼ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
CInnamon RaIsIn bRead
Golden PoTaTo bRead
1. Place egg in a measuring cup; add water to required amount.
Pour into bread pan.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except raisins, into bread pan in the
order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: For 1½-lb. loaf, you can add the raisins into automatic fruit &
nut dispenser; for 2-lb loaf, we recommend waiting and adding directly
into the bread pan at the “add ingredient” beep, since the full amount
required for the recipe is more than the dispenser will hold.
4. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from bread pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 102.
noTe: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 103.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (Kneading paddle may remain in
bread. Remove paddle when bread has cooled.)
Large eggs, at room
Potato Cooking water
(80°F – 90°F)*
½ cup
+ 2 tbsp.
¾ cup
1 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Enough to
Enough to
Large eggs, at room
measure 1 cup measure 1½
with egg
cups with egg
Mashed potatoes*
½ cup
¾ cup
1 cup
Firmly packed light
brown sugar
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
Unsalted butter,
cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
makes 1 loaf
Dry skim milk powder
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
¼ cup.
* Place peeled potatoes in saucepan of cold water. Bring to boil;
reduce heat and cook until fork tender; drain, reserving liquid. Mash
potatoes without any additions of salt, butter or milk. Cool water to
80°F to 90°F and allow mashed potatoes to stand covered at room
temperature for use.
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
Dry skim milk powder
Dried chives
Potato starch
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
3 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
3 cups
2 tsp.
1½ tbsp.
2½ tbsp.
2 tsp.
Ground cinnamon
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
3 cups
1 tsp.
½ cups
1½ tsp.
1½ tsp.
3¾ cups
1¼ tsp.
¾ cup
1½ tbsp.
1 tsp.
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
Bread flour
2½ cups
¾ tsp.
3½ cups
2¼ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Bread machine yeast
CheRRY almond bRead
ChoColaTe haZelnuT bRead
1. Place egg in a measuring cup, add water to required amount.
Pour into bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients, except hazelnuts, into bread pan in
order listed.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 104.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except almonds, into bread pan
in order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
4. Add almonds into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
5. Plug unit into wall outlet.
6. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
7. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
8. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
9. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
3. Add hazelnuts into the automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
Large eggs, at room
Large eggs, at room
Water (80°F – 90°F)
½ cup
¾ cup
1 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Enough to
¾ cup with 1 cup with
Enough to
Enough to
1¼ cups
with egg
Unsalted butter,
cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1/3 cup
Unsweetened cocoa
¼ cup
½ cup
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Unsalted butter or mar- 1½ tbsp.
garine, cut in pieces
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
1/3 cup
½ tsp.
2 cups
1 tsp.
2/3 cup
1½ tsp.
3 cups
1¾ tsp.
2/3 cup
½ cup
1/3 cup
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1 tsp.
½ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
¾ cup
1 tsp.
Dried cherries
Dry skim milk powder
3 tbsp.
2½ tbsp.
1½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
2¾ cups
1½ tsp.
½ cup
makes 1 loaf
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with confectioners’ sugar frosting and sprinkle
with additional chopped hazelnuts.
1/3 cup
Dried orange peel
Ground cinnamon
Toasted and skinned
hazelnuts nuts, chopped
makes 1 loaf
½ tsp.
½ tsp.
½ tsp.
3 cups
2½ tsp.
½ cup
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with confectioners’ sugar frosting and
sprinkle with additional toasted slivered almonds.
½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
Bread flour
2½ cups
2 tsp.
1/3 cup
3½ cups
2¾ tsp.
2/3 cup
Bread machine yeast
Toasted slivered
CRanbeRRY oRanGe bRead
1. Place egg in a measuring cup; add water to required amount.
Pour into bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients, except pine nuts, into bread pan in
order listed.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 105.
2. Add remaining ingredients into bread pan, except pecans, in the
order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
4. Add pecans into the automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
5. Plug unit into wall outlet.
6. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
7. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
8. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
9. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
3. Add pine nuts into the automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
Large eggs, at room
Large eggs, at room
2/3 cup
1/3 cup
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
½ cup
¼ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Enough to
measure 1½
cups with egg
Enough to
measure 2 cups
with egg
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
¼ cup
¼ cup
1/3 cup
½ cup
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from the unit and carefully
remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in bread,
remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
½ cup
1 tsp.
3 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
2/3 cup
2 tsp.
Diced mixed candied
Dry skim milk powder
Dried cranberries
Dried orange peel
Ground cinnamon
Diced candied cherries
¼ cup
¼ cup
¼ cup
Diced candied lemon
2 tbsp.
makes 1 loaf
1 tsp.
1½ tsp
1½ tsp.
3 tbsp.
Dried orange peel
Anise seed
1 tsp.
1½ tsp.
1 tsp.
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with lemon confectioners’ sugar frosting and
sprinkle with additional chopped toasted pine nuts.
1¼ tsp.
makes 1 loaf
½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
2¾ cups
2 tsp.
Unsalted butter, or mar- 2 tbsp.
garine, cut in pieces
1 tsp.
Bread flour
3½ cups
1¼ tsp.
½ cup
4 cups
1½ tsp.
2/3 cup
Bread flour
3¼ cups
3 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Pecans, chopped
Bread machine yeast
Lightly toasted pine nuts 1/3 cup
½ cup
PumPkIn aPPle bRead
PumPkIn PeCan bRead
1. Measure ingredients, except dried apples, into bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
3. Add dried apples into the automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Place egg in a measuring cup, add water to required amount.
Pour into bread pan.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except pecans, into bread pan in
order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; place nuts
in dispenser. Close lid.
4. Add pecans into the automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
5. Plug unit into wall outlet.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Pumpkin puree
½ cup
½ cup
2/3 cup
2/3 cup
Large eggs, at room
Water (80°F – 90°F
Enough to
measure ¾ cup measure 1 cup
Enough to
Large eggs, at room
with egg
1/3 cup
with egg
½ cup
2 tsp.
3 tbsp.
¼ cup
1 tbsp.
¼ cup
1/3 cup
2 tbsp.
Cooked pumpkin
Vanilla extract
Dry skim milk powder
6. Select sWeeT. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
7. At “add ingredient” beep, add pecans.
1½ tsp.
3 tbsp.
Unsalted butter, cut in
Unsalted butter or
margarine, cut in pieces
¼ cup
8. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1 tsp.
1¼ tsp.
½ tsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
1/3 cup
4 cups
1½ tsp.
1/3 cup
Light brown sugar
Dried orange peel
Ground cinnamon
3 tbsp.
2 tsp.
¼ cup
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
2 tsp.
9. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
10. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Ground cinnamon
½ tsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ tsp.
¼ cup
3¼ cups
1 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
1 tsp.
Ground ginger
Ground nutmeg
Ground pecans
Bread flour
1½ tsp.
¼ tsp.
3½ cups
1½ tsp.
½ cup
Nutmeg, ground
Bread flour
½ tsp.
4 cups
2 tsp.
makes 1 loaf
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with lemon confectioner’s sugar frosting and
sprinkle with additional chopped toasted pecans.
Bread machine yeast
Toasted pecans
Bread machine yeast
Dried apples, chopped
½ cup
¼ cup
TRoPICal fRuIT bRead
GluTen fRee bRead (2-lb.)
1. Measure ingredients, except toasted hazelnuts, into bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: For 1½ and 2-lb. loaves, you can add the macadamia nuts into
automatic fruit & nut dispenser; for 2½-lb loaf, we recommend waiting
and adding directly into the bread pan at the “add ingredient” beep,
since the full amount required for the recipe
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 106.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1½ cups water (80°F – 90°F)
3 large eggs, at room temperature
¼ cup vegetable oil
Large eggs, at room
Enough to
Enough to
Enough to
1¼ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 tsp. cider vinegar
¾ cup with 1 cup with
is more than the dispenser will hold.
3. Select WhITe. Choose loaf size and desired crust color.
Press the sTaRT button.
2 cups white rice flour
2/3 cup dry skim milk powder
1½ tsp. salt
with egg
1½ tbsp.
¾ cup
2 tbsp.
1 cup
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
1 cup
Dry skim milk powder
Tropical fruit bits
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup potato starch
½ cup tapioca flour
1/3 cup cornstarch
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1½ tbsp.
3 tbsp.
Unsalted butter, cut in
2 tsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
Fresh orange peel,
3 tbsp. sugar
1½ tbsp.
½ tsp.
2 tbsp.
½ tsp.
2½ tbsp.
¾ tsp.
1 tbsp. xanthan gum
2¼ tsp. bread machine yeast
makes 1 loaf
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with confectioners’ sugar frosting and sprinkle
with additional chopped macadamia nuts.
3 cups
1¾ tsp.
½ cup
3½ cups
2¼ tsp.
½ cup
4 cups
2½ tsp.
¾ cup
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
Macadamia nuts,
GluTen fRee
GluTen fRee
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
buTTeRmIlk bRead (2-lb.)
heRb bRead (2-lb.)
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 107.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 108.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1¼ cups water (80°F – 90°F)
3 large eggs, at room temperature
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1½ cups water (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
2 egg whites, at room temperature
1 tbsp. cheese & chive egg substitute
1¼ cups white rice flour
1 cup brown rice flour
¾ cup tapioca flour
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
2 cups white rice flour
½ cup potato flour
makes a 2-lb. loaf
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup tapioca flour
¼ cup dry buttermilk powder
¼ cup sugar
¼ cup potato starch
2/3 cup dry skim milk powder
¼ cup green onion, chopped
3½ tsp. xanthan gum
2 tbsp. sugar
3¼ tsp. xanthan gum
1 tbsp. fresh dill, chopped
1½ tsp. salt
1¼ tsp. salt
1 tsp. herbs d’ Provence
5 tsp. bread machine yeast
2¼ tsp. bread machine yeast
GluTen fRee
seeded GluTen fRee
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
PumPeRnICkel bRead (2-lb.)
bRead (2-lb.)
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 109.
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 110.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
12/3 cups water (80°F – 90°F)
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
1½ cups water (80°F – 90°F)
3 large eggs, at room temperature
3 tbsp. molasses
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 large egg, at room temperature + enough egg whites to
measure ¾ cup
1/3 cup unsalted butter or margarine, melted
2 tbsp. canola oil
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1 pkg. (16 oz.) gluten free bread mix
1 tbsp. golden flaxseeds
makes a 2-lb. loaf
makes a 2-lb. loaf
2 cups white rice flour
2/3 cup potato starch
1/3 cup tapioca flour
1 tbsp. sesame seeds
1 tbsp. black sesame seeds
3 tbsp. firmly packed light brown sugar
2½ tsp. xanthan gum
2 tsp. cocoa powder
2 tsp. instant coffee granules
1½ tsp. salt
1 tbsp. bread machine yeast
sPelT bRead (2-lb.)
GluTen fRee PoTaTo &
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
ChIVe bRead (2-lb.)
note: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 111.
1 cup + 1 tbsp. water (80 – 90°F)
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
½ tsp. salt
1¼ cups water (80°F – 90°F)
3 large eggs, at room temperature
¾ cup cottage cheese, at room temperature
3 tbsp. vegetable oil
3 tbsp. dry skim milk powder
3 tbsp. sugar
3 cups spelt flour
1 tsp. cider vinegar
1 tsp. bread machine yeast
makes a 2-lb. loaf
2 cups white rice flour
½ cup cornstarch
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup instant potato buds
½ cup potato starch
½ cup dry skim milk powder
½ cup tapioca flour
¼ cup snipped fresh chives
¼ cup sugar
1½ tsp. salt
2¼ tsp. bread machine yeast
banana maCadamIa bRead (2-lb.)
2/3 cup milk
CoConuT GInGeR|
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients in order listed.
2. Spoon batter evenly into bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients in order listed.
2. Spoon batter evenly into bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
QuICk bRead (2-lb.)
1 cup mashed banana, about 2 medium
2½ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
1 cup + 2 tbsp. half & half
2 large eggs, at room temperature
¼ cup oil
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
½ cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
2 eggs, slightly beaten
2½ tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. coconut extract
1 tsp. lemon extract
¾ cup sugar
1 tbsp. grated lemon peel
2 cups all-purpose flour
2 tbsp. candied ginger, finely chopped
1 tbsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
¾ tsp. salt
makes a 2-lb. loaf
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup macadamia nuts, chopped
1¼ cups toasted shredded coconut
oRanGe daTe nuT bRead (2-lb.)
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients in order listed.
2. Spoon batter evenly into bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
1. Pour boiling water over dates in a small bowl. Add baking soda.
Let stand at room temperature for 20 minutes.
2. Transfer date mixture to bread pan. Measure remaining
ingredients, except walnuts, into bread pan in the order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. At “add ingredient” beep, add walnuts.
QuICk bRead (2-lb.)
1 cup boiling water
1 cup dates, chopped
2 cups all-purpose flour
½ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tbsp. candied ginger, finely chopped
2 tsp. ground ginger
1 tsp. baking soda
2 large eggs, at room temperature
1¾ cups all-purpose flour
¾ cup firmly packed dark brown sugar
1 tsp. baking powder
6. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
2 tsp. baking soda
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
1 tsp. ground cinnamon
½ tsp. ground allspice
¾ tsp. salt
½ tsp. salt
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
1 tsp. vanilla extract
makes a 2-lb. loaf
¾ cup buttermilk
½ tsp. orange extract
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
½ cup molasses
1 cup walnuts, chopped
makes a 2-lb. loaf
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, melted
¼ cup water
PRune PoPPYseed
QuICk bRead (2-lb.)
oRanGe WalnuT
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients in order listed.
2. Spoon batter evenly into bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
1. In a large mixing bowl, combine ingredients in order listed.
2. Spoon batter evenly into bread pan.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select the QuICk bRead. Press the sTaRT button.
5. At “add ingredient” beep, add prunes.
6. The complete signal will sound when the bread is done.
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place on a wire rack. Allow bread to cool in pan for 5 minutes.
Carefully turn bread out of bread pan and turn right side up.
(If kneading paddle remains in bread, remove paddle once bread
has cooled.)
8. Allow bread to cool on the wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes)
QuICk bRead (2-lb.)
½ cup milk
2¼ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup toasted walnuts, chopped
¾ cup sugar
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
1/3 cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
1½ cups all-purpose flour
1 cup sugar
2 tbsp. grated orange peel
4 tsp. baking powder
¼ tsp. salt
1 tbsp. grated orange peel
1 tbsp. poppy seeds
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, softened
¾ cup milk
2 tsp. baking powder
½ tsp. salt
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup sour cream
makes a 2-lb. loaf
1 tsp. vanilla extract
1 cup prunes, finely chopped
2 large eggs, slightly beaten
dInneR Rolls
sWeeT WheaT dInneR Rolls
VaRIaTIon – CInnamon Rolls:
1. Roll out dough on lightly floured surface to 9 x 14 inch rectangle.
2. Brush with about 2 tbsp. melted butter. Sprinkle with a mixture of
3 tbsp. sugar and ½ tsp. ground cinnamon. Top with ¼ cup raisins.
3. Roll up jellyroll style starting at long end.
4. Cut into 1-inch slices and arrange in greased
9 x 12 inch bread pan.
5. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in size
(about 45 minutes).
6. Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF until golden brown
(about 20 minutes).
7. Remove from pan and cool on a wire rack.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape into your favorite dinner rolls shapes such as braids, butter
horns, Parker house or clover leaf.
8. Cover and let rise until doubled in size (about 45 minutes). Bake
in a preheated oven at 350ºF for 15 minutes or until golden and
fully baked. (Rolls will sound hollow when lightly tapped with your
¼ cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup + 2 tbsp. water (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
1 cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
1/3 cup unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
1 large egg, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
½ tsp. salt
½ tsp. salt
2½ cups bread flour
2½ cups bread flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2¼ tsp. bread machine yeast
2¼ tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
8. If desired, drizzle with confectioners’ sugar frosting when cool.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
makes abouT 2 doZen dInneR Rolls
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
Tip: If desired, brush with melted butter or olive oil and sprinkle with
garlic salt OR, brush with beaten egg whites and sprinkle with sesame,
poppy or fennel seeds.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape into your favorite dinner rolls shapes such as braids, butter
horns, Parker house or clover leaf.
8. Bake in a preheated oven at 375ºF about 20 minutes until golden
and fully baked. (Rolls will sound hollow when tapped.)
makes abouT 2 doZen dInneR Rolls
Tip: If desired, brush with melted butter or beaten egg whites and
sprinkle with sesame, poppy or fennel seeds just before baking.
onIon Rolls
besT eVeR PIZZa douGh
7. Divide dough in half. Set one half aside and keep covered. Lightly
brush 2 large pizza pans with olive oil and sprinkle with cornmeal;
set aside.
8. On lightly floured surface roll out half of dough to fit prepared pan.
Top with desired topping ingredients such as sauce, cheese and
vegetables. Bake in a preheated oven at 425ºF for 20 minutes or
until edges are golden and cheese is bubbling.
1. Measure ingredients, except egg white and additional instant
minced onion, into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Shape into your favorite dinner rolls shapes such as pan rolls,
braids or rosettes.
1 cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
2 large eggs, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
1 ½ cups beer or water (80°F – 90°F)
1 tbsp. honey or sugar
2 tbsp. extra virgin olive oil
1½ tsp. salt
6 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
1 tbsp. instant minced onion
1 tsp. caraway seeds
9. Repeat with remaining dough.
4¼ cups bread flour
makes 2, 15-InCh ThIn CRusT PIZZas
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
for foccacia: Brush 15½ x 10½ inch jelly roll pan with olive oil and
sprinkle with cornmeal. Roll out dough on a lightly floured surface and
fit into pan. Cover loosely with plastic wrap and set aside until doubled
in size (about 40 minutes). Using oiled fingertips, press indentations
into dough about ½-inch deep and about 1-inch apart. Drizzle with
3 to 4 tbsp. olive oil and sprinkle with 1 tsp. coarse or sea salt, ¾ cup
freshly grated Parmesan, Romano and Asiago cheese and 1/3 cup
mixture of fresh chopped herbs such as parsley, rosemary, basil and
oregano. Bake in preheated oven at 425ºF until crust is golden and
bread is puffed (about 20 minutes).
½ tsp. salt
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
3¼ cups bread flour
makes abouT 2 doZen dInneR Rolls
2¼ tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
1 egg white
Tip: If desired, brush with beaten egg white and sprinkle with
additional instant minced onion just before baking.
Instant minced onion
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
Whole WheaT PIZZa douGh
11/3 cups water (80°F – 90°F)
GluTen fRee PIZZa douGh
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Divide dough in half. Set one half aside and keep covered. Lightly
brush 2 large pizza pans with olive oil and sprinkle with cornmeal;
set aside. On lightly floured surface, roll out half of dough to fit
prepared pan. Top with desired topping ingredients such as sauce,
cheese and vegetables. Bake in a preheated oven at 425ºF for 20
minutes or until edges are golden and cheese is bubbling.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Divide dough into 3 equal portions. Set 2 pieces aside and keep
covered. Lightly brush 3, 12-inch pizza pans with olive oil and
sprinkle with cornmeal; set aside. Place 1/3 of dough on prepared
pizza pan and gently press the dough to cover the bottom of the
pan evenly. Bake in preheated oven at 425ºF for about 15 minutes.
7. Top with desired topping ingredients such as sauce, cheese and
vegetables. Return to oven and bake for 12 minutes or until edges
are golden and cheese is bubbling.
1 cup buttermilk
¼ cups water, at room temperature
2 large eggs, at room temperature
1 egg white, at room temperature
3 tbsp olive oil
¼ cup olive oil
1½ tsp. salt
2½ cups bread flour
1 cup whole wheat flour
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
1½ cups tapioca flour
1 cup white rice flour
1 cup brown rice flour
½ cup potato starch
8. Repeat with remaining dough.
1 tsp. salt
8. Repeat with remaining dough.
1 tbsp. sugar
makes 2, 15-InCh ThIn CRusT PIZZas oR 1 ThICk CRusT PIZZa
1 tbsp. xanthan gum
2 tbsp bread machine yeast
makes 3, 12-InCh ThIn CRusT PIZZas
PhIladelPhIa sofT PReTZels
8. Using a pastry cutter, cut dough lengthwise into 30 thin strips.
Place strips on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake in preheated
oven at 425ºF about 14 minutes until golden and fully baked.
note: Grissini are Italian-style pencil-thin breadsticks.
1. Measure first 5 ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid. |
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Cut dough into 1½ oz. pieces. Roll each piece into 20-inch rope.
Shape into pretzel shape, pinching ends to seal.
8. Dissolve baking soda in water in large shallow saucepan. Bring
to boil. Drop pretzels, in small batches into water and let them
cook until they float (about 1 minute). Drain and place them on a
greased baking sheet. Sprinkle with coarse salt.
1 cup water (80°F – 90°F)
1 tsp. sugar
9. Allow breadsticks to cool on a wire rack.
1 cup water (80°F – 90°F)
1/3 cup olive oil
10. Repeat with remaining half of dough.
1½ tsp. salt
2 tsp. sugar
4 cups bread flour
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
6 cups water
Cheese mIxTuRe: Combine ½ cup grated Parmesan cheese, 2 tbsp.
lightly toasted sesame seeds, ½ tsp salt and ¼ tsp. pepper.
1½ tsp. salt
3 cups bread flour
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
seed mIxTuRe: Combine 2 tbsp. each of black sesame seeds,
flaxseeds, poppy seeds and lightly toasted sesame seeds, along with
½ tsp. salt and ¼ tsp pepper.
1½ tbsp. baking soda
Kosher salt
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
9. Bake in a preheated oven at 425ºF for 15 minutes or until golden.
Cool on a wire rack.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
makes abouT 2 doZen PReTZels
Tip: These are best eaten the day they are baked.
7. Divide dough in half. On a lightly floured board, roll ½ of dough into
13 x 15 inch rectangle. Brush dough evenly with 1 tbsp. additional
olive oil. If desired, sprinkle evenly with seed or cheese mixture
(see below).
aPPle fIlled baked douGhnuTs
aPPle fIlled Challah
1. Measure first 8 ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh setting. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Meanwhile in a bowl, combine apples, raisins, lemon peel,
cinnamon, honey and lemon juice. Cover and refrigerate until
ready to use. (This can be made a day ahead.)
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on lightly floured surface.
8. Remove filling from refrigerator and drain very well.
9. Divide dough into 22 equal pieces. Roll each piece into a 2-inch
circle. Place 1 tsp. apple filling in center. Bring edges up to cover
filling and pinch edges to seal.
10. Place each ball of dough, seam side down, on a greased baking
sheet, about 2-inches apart. Cover and let rise until doubled in
size (about 45 minutes).
11. Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF about 14 minutes until lightly
golden and fully baked.
12. Meanwhile, combine 3 tbsp. confectioners’ sugar and 2 tbsp.
water in shallow bowl. Place 1/3 cup granulated sugar in second
shallow bowl.
1 cup water (80°F – 90°F)
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tbsp. sugar
¼ cup milk
¼ cup + 2 tbsp. water (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
¼ cup sugar
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
2 tsp. salt
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
½ tsp. salt
4 cups bread flour
2 tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
3 medium apples, finely chopped
½ cup raisins
7. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
2½ cups bread flour
8. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. On a lightly floured board,
roll out each piece into a 6 x 14 inch rectangle. Spread 1/3 apple
mixture down one long side of rectangle. Roll up jellyroll fashion
and pres edges to seal. Repeat with remaining 2 pieces of dough.
Place ropes together on a lightly greased baking sheet. Braid
ropes loosely. Tuck ends under braid to seal.
9. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in size (about
40 minutes). Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF about 25 minutes
or until golden.
13. Roll each hot doughnut in confectioners’ mixture and then in
granulated sugar to cover doughnuts completely. Place on a wire
rack to cool.
2¼ tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
Filling (recipe below)
1 tsp. grated lemon peel
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. honey
makes 22 douGhnuTs
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
Tip: Doughnuts are best served warm.
apple filling: In a bowl, combine 1 cup finely chopped apples, ¼ cup
raisins, 1½ tbsp. sugar, ½ tsp ground cinnamon and
1 tsp. fresh lemon juice.
1 tbsp. lemon juice
10. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool.
5. Meanwhile, prepare filling (see recipe below).
Cover and refrigerate.
makes one laRGe loaf
Tip: If desired, combine ¾ cup confectioners’ sugar and enough lemon
juice to make a smooth consistency. Drizzle over cooled bread.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber
and place dough on a lightly floured surface.
7. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
1. Measure first 8 ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Meanwhile in bowl, combine apricots, hazelnuts, cinnamon and
honey. Cover and set aside.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on lightly floured surface.
1. Measure milk, water, 3 eggs, 1/3 cup sugar, butter, salt, flour and
yeast into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid. Plug unit
into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
6. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
7. Roll dough into 10 x 14 inch rectangle. Spread jam evenly to within
1 inch of the edges of the dough. Sprinkle with pecans. Roll up
jellyroll style to form a 14-inch roll. Pinch edges to seal.
8. Place on a greased baking sheet, seam side down. Cut lengthwise
into 2, 14-inch pieces. With cut side facing up, twist pieces and
tuck ends under.
¾ cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup water (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup apricot nectar
¼ cup water (80°F – 90°F)
4 large eggs, at room temperature
1/3 cup + 1 tbsp. sugar
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tbsp. sugar
3 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
½ tsp. salt
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
2 tsp. salt
7. Invert large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes
4 cups bread flour
4 cups bread flour
8. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. On a lightly floured board, roll
out each piece into a 6 x 14 inch rectangle. Spread 1/3 apricot
mixture down one long side of rectangle. Roll up jellyroll fashion
and press edges to seal. Repeat with remaining 2 pieces of
dough. Place ropes together on lightly greased baking sheet.
Braid ropes loosely. Tuck ends under braid to seal.
9. Cover and let rise in warm place until doubled in size (about 40
minutes). Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF about 25 minutes or
until golden.
2¼ tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
½ cup seedless raspberry jam
1 cup toasted pecans, chopped
Confectioners’ sugar frosting
2 tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
1 cup dried apricots, chopped
½ cup toasted skinned hazelnuts, chopped
9. Cover and let rise until doubled in size (about 30 minutes).
10. Lightly beat remaining egg and brush over the top of the bread.
11. Bake in a preheated oven at 375ºF for about 25 minutes or until
golden and fully baked. (Bread will sound hollow when tapped.)
½ tsp ground cinnamon
1 tbsp. honey
10. Place on a wire rack and allow to cool.
12. Cool on a wire rack.
13. When cooled, drizzle with confectioners’ sugar frosting.
makes one laRGe loaf
Tip: If desired, combine ¾ cup confectioners’ sugar and enough
apricot nectar to make a smooth consistency. Drizzle over
cooled bread.
makes one laRGe Coffee bRead
CandY Cane CheRRY bRaId
sWeeT PoTaTo PeCan bRaId
2/3 cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
1. In a measuring cup, add enough water to eggs to measure 1¼
cups. Pour into bread pan.
2. Add remaining ingredients, except almonds, into bread pan in the
order listed.
3. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Place almonds in dispenser and close dispenser lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
4. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
5. The complete signal will sound when dough is ready.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
7. Divide dough into 3 equal parts. Roll each part into 18 inch rope.
8. Using all 3 ropes, braid and tuck ends under to seal. Place on a
greased baking sheet. Curve one end to resemble candy cane.
9. Cover and let rise until doubled in size (about 45 minutes).
10. Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF for 30 minutes until golden brown
and sounds hollow when tapped on the bottom.
11. Cool on a wire rack.
Tip: If desired, frost with confectioners’ frosting colored with red food
coloring. Decorate with sugar snowflakes. OR, if desired, omit frosting
and brush braid with beaten egg just before baking; the crust will have
a high gloss.
1. Measure ingredients, except pecans into bread pan in the order
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, add pecans.
5. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
7. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
8. Divide dough into 3 equal pieces. Shape each piece into a 14-inch
roll. Place ropes together on lightly greased baking sheet. Braid
ropes loosely. Tuck ends under braid.
9. Cover and let rise in a warm place until doubled in size (about 40
minutes). Bake in preheated oven at 375ºF about 25 minutes or
until golden.
2 large eggs, at room temperature
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
½ cup mashed cooked sweet potato
¼ cup firmly packed light brown sugar
2 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
½ tsp. salt
3 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
¼ cup dry skim milk powder
¼ cup sugar
½ cup candied cherries, diced
¼ cup candied lemon peel, diced
2 tsp. grated lemon peel
1 tsp. salt
2¾ cups bread flour
2¼ tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
½ cup toasted pecans, chopped
½ tsp. almond extract
3¾ cups bread flour
2 tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
½ cup toasted almonds, chopped
10. Place on wire rack and allow to cool.
makes one laRGe loaf
Tip: If desired, drizzle with confectioners’ sugar frosting
before serving.
makes one laRGe loaf
holIdaY sTollen
2/3 cup milk (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup water (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
3 tbsp. unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
¼ cup sugar
loW CaRb seeded bRead (2 lb.)
1. Measure ingredients, except candied fruit, currants and almonds
into bread pan in order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select douGh. Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, add almonds, currants and candied fruit.
5. The complete signal will sound when dough is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
place dough on a lightly floured surface.
7. Invert a large mixing bowl over dough and let rest for 10 minutes.
8. On a large baking sheet, roll dough into 14 x 8 inch oval. Fold one
long side over the other to within 1-inch of the opposite side. Pinch
the edges to seal.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
½ cup water (80°F – 90°F)
½ cup heavy cream (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
½ tsp. molasses
¾ tsp. salt
1 tbsp. grated lemon peel
1 tbsp. grated orange peel
½ tsp. salt
¾ cup vital wheat gluten
½ cup almond flour
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup wheat bran
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup rice protein powder
2 tbsp. flaxseeds
3½ cups bread flour
9. Cover and let rise until doubled in size (about 45 minutes).
10. Bake in a preheated oven at 375ºF about 25 minutes until golden
and fully baked. (Bread will sound hollow when fully baked.)
11. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve (at least 20
2 tsp. active dry or bread machine yeast
½ cup toasted slivered almonds
½ cup candied fruit, diced
½ cup currants
1 tsp. Splenda®*
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
makes one laRGe loaf
Tip: If desired, frost loaf with confectioners’ sugar frosting and sprinkle
with additional toasted slivered almonds.
loW CaRb
loW CaRb RYe bRead (2 lb.)
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Whole WheaT bRead (2 lb.)
noTe: For 1-lb. loaf recipe, please refer to page 112.
1 cup water (80°F – 90°F)
1 tbsp. oil
2 cups water (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tsp. lemon juice
½ tsp. molasses
1 tsp. salt
¾ cup vital wheat gluten
½ cup rye flour
1¾ tsp. salt
½ cup wheat bran
¼ cup rice protein powder
1 tbsp. caraway seeds
makes a 2-lb. loaf
makes a 2-lb. loaf
2½ cups whole wheat flour
½ cup whey protein powder
½ cup vital wheat gluten
½ cup psyllium husk powder
¼ cup flaxseed meal
1 tsp. Splenda®
1½ tsp. bread machine yeast
¼ cup wheat bran
3 tbsp. nutritional yeast powder
3 tbsp. oat bran
4½ tsp. bread machine yeast
loW CaRb molasses bRead (2 lb.)
loW CaRb almond bRead (2 lb.)
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains
in bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 cup + 2 tbsp. water (80°F – 90°F)
1 tbsp. oil
½ cup water (80°F – 90°F)
½ cup heavy cream (80°F – 90°F)
1 large egg, at room temperature
½ tsp. molasses
2 tsp. molasses
1 cup vital wheat gluten
1/3 cup almond meal
1/3 cup wheat bran
1/3 cup whey protein powder
1 tbsp. toasted sesame seeds
1 tsp. salt
¾ tsp. salt
¾ cup vital wheat gluten
½ cup almond flour
makes a 2-lb. loaf
makes a 2-lb. loaf
½ cup wheat bran
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds
¼ cup rice protein powder
2 tbsp. flaxseeds
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
1 tsp. Splenda®*
2 tsp. bread machine yeast
loW CaRb PeCan bRead (2 lb.)
12/3 cups water (80°F – 90°F)
2 large eggs, at room temperature
2 tbsp. oil
aPRICoT keY lIme PReseRVes
1. Measure ingredients, except pecans, into bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
3. Add pecans into automatic fruit & nut dispenser.
4. Plug unit into wall outlet.
5. Select loW CaRb. Press the sTaRT button.
6. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
7. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam and Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using a pot holder, remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully pour preserves into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to cool.
3 cups fresh apricots, chopped
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. fresh key lime juice
1 tbsp. key lime zest
1 tbsp. liquid lecithin
2 tsp. fresh lemon juice
¼ cup unsalted butter or margarine, cut in pieces
¼ cup Splenda®*
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
makes abouT 2 CuPs
8. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
2 tsp. salt
1 cup vital wheat gluten
¾ cup oat bran
makes a 2-lb. loaf
¼ cup wheat bran
3 tbsp. quick cooking oats
3 tbsp. nutritional yeast powder
3 tbsp. psyllium husk powder
¼ cup rice protein powder
2¼ tsp. bread machine yeast
¼ cup finely chopped pecans
bluebeRRY manGo PReseRVes
bluebeRRY PIneaPPle PReseRVes
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour preserves into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour jam into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
2 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh mango, coarsely chopped
¾ cup sugar
2 cups fresh blueberries
1 cup fresh pineapple, coarsely chopped
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. grated lime peel
1 tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
makes abouT 3 CuPs
makes abouT 3 CuPs
PeaChY lemon PReseRVes
PIneaPPle PaPaYa PReseRVes
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour jam into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour jam into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
2 cups fresh pineapple, chopped
1 cup fresh papaya, chopped
¾ cup sugar
3 cups fresh peaches, coarsely chopped (about 1½ lbs.)
1 cup sugar
1 tbsp. gated lemon peel
1 tbsp. grated lemon peel
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
makes abouT 3 CuPs
makes abouT 3 CuPs
RasPbeRRY manGo PReseRVes
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the jam is done.
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
2 cups fresh raspberries
2 cups strawberries, coarsely chopped
1 cup golden or green kiwi, coarsely chopped
¾ cup sugar
1 large ripe mango, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped
¾ cup sugar
5. Using a pot holder, remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully pour jam into clean jars.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour jam into clean jars.
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
1 tbsp. fresh lemon juice
6. Place in refrigerator to cool.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
1 pkg. ( 1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
makes abouT 3 CuPs
makes abouT 3 CuPs
CuRRIed aPPle manGo maRmalade
oRanGe moJo maRmalade
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the jam is done.
5. Using a pot holder, remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully pour jam into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to cool.
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the jam is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on wire rack. Carefully pour jam into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
2½ cups apples, diced
1 small onion, very thinly sliced
¼ cup orange peel, slivered
1/3 cup fresh orange juice
1½ tbsp. fresh lime juice
1 cup sugar
1 large ripe mango, peeled, seeded and coarsely chopped
¾ cup sugar
2 tsp. minced fresh ginger
½ tsp. curry powder
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
¼ tsp. cayenne powder
1 tbsp. fresh oregano, chopped
1/3 tsp. salt
makes abouT 1½ CuPs
makes abouT 3 CuPs
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
¼ tsp. ground cumin
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
aPPle CuRRY ChuTneY
PePPeR ChuTneY
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
cool on a wire rack. Carefully pour preserves into clean jars.
6. Place in refrigerator to set.
1. Measure ingredients into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the preserves are done.
5. Using a pot holder remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully pour the mixture into clean jars.
6. Refrigerate jars to cool.
2½ cups apples, finely chopped
¾ cup sugar
1 medium green pepper, seeded and diced
1 medium red pepper, seeded and diced
1 bunch green onions, sliced
½ cup sun dried tomatoes, chopped
5 jalapeno peppers, seeded and diced
2 large cloves garlic, minced
¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
4½ cups sugar
1 jalapeno, seeded and diced
2 tsp. minced fresh ginger
½ tsp. curry powder
7. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
7. Store in refrigerator up to 3 weeks.
2 tbsp. apple juice
makes abouT 2½ CuPs
makes abouT 2½ CuPs
1 pkg. (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
1 package (1.75 oz.) powdered pectin
1 cup cider vinegar
ChIPoTle keTChuP
basIC WhITe bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients in order listed into bread pan.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber; close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Jam. Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when the ketchup is done.
5. Using a pot holder, remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully spoon into a heatproof bowl. Cover and allow to stand for
at least 10 minutes to cool.
6. Spoon into blender jar; process on high speed until smooth
(about 1 minute).
7. Strain and pour into jars.
8. Store in refrigerator for up to 3 weeks.
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1 medium onion, diced
1 tbsp. olive oil
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
2/3 cup
1 can (28 oz.) tomatoes, drained and chopped
2 bottled chipotle peppers in adobe, drained and chopped
½ cup cider vinegar
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
1 tbsp.
¼ cup light brown sugar
1 tbsp. molasses
2 tsp.
Dry skim milk powder
1 tbsp.
¾ tsp.
2 cups
¾ tsp.
1 tsp. celery seeds
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
½ tsp. ground cinnamon
¼ tsp. cloves
makes abouT 3 CuPs
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
mulTI-seeded WhITe bRead,
1-lb. loaf
oaTmeal bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Vegetable oil
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
¾ cup
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
2 tbsp.
3 tbsp.
2 tsp.
Buttermilk (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
1 cup
2 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
Dry skim milk powder
Sunflower seeds
Black sesame seeds
Sesame seeds
Golden flax seeds
Poppy seeds
Maple syrup (not pancake syrup)
Oatmeal, instant or regular
1 tbsp.
½ cup
¾ tsp.
3 cups
2 tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
2 tsp.
Bread flour
1 tsp.
Vital wheat gluten
Bread machine yeast
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
¾ tsp.
½ cup
2¼ cups
1¼ tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
maPle WalnuT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
CoConuT haZelnuT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except walnuts, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients, except hazelnuts, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add walnuts directly into
bread pan.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add toasted hazelnuts
directly into bread pan.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Vegetable oil
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
¾ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
½ cup
2 cups
¾ tsp.
½ cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
1 tbsp.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Maple syrup
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Unsweetened coconut
Chopped candied ginger
Light brown sugar
Dry skim milk powder
¼ cup
Lemon extract
1 tbsp
1½ tsp.
1½ tbsp.
¾ tsp.
2 cups
¾ tsp.
¼ cup
Uncooked oatmeal, instant or regular
Bread flour
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Bread machine yeast
Walnuts, chopped
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
Chopped lightly toasted hazelnuts
sWIss Cheese bRead,
1-lb. loaf
onIon Cheese bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select WhITe cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
Buttermilk (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Shredded Swiss cheese
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
½ cup
¼ cup
½ cup
2 tsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Cottage cheese
½ cup + 1 tbsp.
¼ cup
Shredded Swiss cheese
Grated Parmesan cheese
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
Baking powder
Dried dill
¾ tsp.
¼ tsp.
½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
2 cups
1½ tsp.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut into pieces
1 tbsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
Dried chives
Instant minced onion
Chopped parsley
Bread flour
1½ tsp.
1 tbsp.
2 cups
¾ tsp.
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
Bread machine yeast
Whole WheaT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
100% Whole WheaT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
¼ cup
½ cup
1 tbsp.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Small curd cottage cheese (80°F – 90°F)
Unsalted butter or margarine, cut in
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Whole wheat flour
Vital wheat gluten
Bread machine yeast
2 cups
2 tbsp.
2 tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
¾ cup
2 cups
1 tsp.
Whole WheaT CRanbeRRY bRead,
1-lb. loaf
Whole WheaT RaIsIn bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except cranberries, into 1-lb. bread pan in
the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients, except raisins and walnuts, into 1-lb. bread
pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
3. Select Whole WheaT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add cranberries
directly into bread pan.
3. Select Whole WheaT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add raisins and walnuts
directly into bread pan.
1-lb. (eaCh)
¾ cup
1-lb. (eaCh)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
1½ tbsp.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
¾ tsp.
1 cup
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
¾ tsp.
½ tsp.
1 cup
Grated orange peel
Grated orange peel
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
Ground cinnamon
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
1 cup
Vital wheat gluten (optional)
Bread machine yeast
Dried cranberries
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
1/3 cup
1 cup
Bread machine yeast
Vital wheat gluten
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
¼ cup
¼ cup
Chopped walnuts
olIVe RosemaRY fRenCh bRead,
1-lb. loaf
YoGuRT Whole WheaT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except Kalamata olives, into 1-lb. bread pan
in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add Kalamata olives
directly into bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select Whole WheaT CYCle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1-lb. (eaCh)
1 cup
1-lb. (eaCh)
½ cup
1/3 cup
Plain nonfat yogurt (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Vegetable oil
1 tsp.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Rosemary garlic seasoning blend
Dried rosemary, crushed
1 tsp.
2 tsp.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
½ tsp.
Maple syrup (not pancake syrup)
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
½ tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
½ tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Bread flour
1 cup
Bread flour
2 cups
¾ cup.
1 tsp.
1½ cups
1 tbsp.
1½ tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Whole wheat flour
Bread machine yeast
Bulgur wheat
Bread machine yeast
Kalamata olives, well drained and chopped ½ cup
heRbed ITalIan loaf,
1-lb. loaf
PePPeRonI PaRmesan bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except pine nuts, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add pine nuts directly
into bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select fRenCh cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Olive oil
1-lb. (eaCh)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Finely chopped pepperoni
Mozzarella cheese
Italian seasoning
1-lb. (eaCh)
½ cup
1 cup
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1 tsp.
¼ cup
1/3 cup
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Instant minced onion
Chopped fresh parsley
Minced fresh garlic
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
½ tsp.
½ tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
1 tsp.
½ tsp.
1 tsp.
Bread flour
2½ cups
1 tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Chopped fresh basil
Chopped fresh oregano
Bread flour
1 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
1 tsp.
3¾ cups
1 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Toasted pine nuts
¼ cup
CInnamon RaIsIn bRead,
1-lb. loaf
Golden PoTaTo bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except raisins, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select sWeeT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add raisins directly into
bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select sWeeT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
Large eggs, at room temperature
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Potato Cooking water (80°F – 90°F)*
Egg beaters, at room temperature
Mashed potatoes*
Unsalted butter, cut in pieces
¼ cup + 2 tbsp.
½ cup
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1/3 cup
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Firmly packed light brown sugar
Dry skim milk powder
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 tbsp.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
½ tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Dry skim milk powder
Dried chives
1½ tbsp.
1½ tsp.
2 tbsp.
* Place peeled potatoes in saucepan of cold water. Bring to boil;
reduce heat and cook until fork tender; drain, reserving liquid. Mash
potatoes without any additions of salt, butter or milk. Cool water to
80°F to 90°F and allow mashed potatoes to stand covered at room
temperature for use.
Ground cinnamon
1 tsp.
1 tsp.
2 cups
¾ tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Potato starch
Bread flour
¾ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
Bread flour
1½ cups
1 tsp.
Bread machine yeast
½ cup
CheRRY almond bRead,
1-lb. loaf
CRanbeRRY oRanGe bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except almonds, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
1. Measure ingredients, except pecans, into 1-lb. bread pan in the
order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
3. Select sWeeT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add almonds
directly into bread pan.
3. Select sWeeT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add pecans directly into
bread pan.
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
Large eggs, at room temperature
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Large eggs, at room temperature
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Enough to
½ cup
1 tbsp.
measure 2/3 cup
with egg
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
¼ cup
½ tsp.
½ tsp.
1 tsp.
Dried cherries
Dry skim milk powder
¼ cup
1 tbsp.
1 tbsp.
1 tsp.
Dry skim milk powder
Dried cranberries
Dried orange peel
Ground cinnamon
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Dried orange peel
Ground cinnamon
¾ tsp.
1 tsp.
Unsalted butter, or margarine,
cut in pieces
1 tbsp.
Bread flour
2 cups
½ tsp.
¼ cup
Bread machine yeast
Toasted slivered almonds
Bread flour
2 cups
¾ tsp.
1/3 cup
Bread machine yeast
Pecans, chopped
TRoPICal fRuIT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
GluTen fRee buTTeRmIlk bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients, except Macadamia nuts, into 1-lb. bread pan
in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select sWeeT cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. At “add ingredient” beep, open the lid and add Macadamia nuts
directly into bread pan.
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
1-lb. (eaCh)
½ cup + 2 tbsp.
3 oz.
Large eggs, at room temperature
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Dry skim milk powder
Tropical fruit bits
Water (80°F – 90°F)
½ cup
1 tbsp.
½ cup
1 tbsp.
Egg beaters, at room temperature
5. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
2 tbsp.
6. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
7. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Cider vinegar
White rice flour
Potato flour
½ tsp.
1 cup
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Fresh orange peel, grated
1 tsp.
¼ cup
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
1¾ tsp.
1½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
11/8 tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
1 tbsp.
½ tsp.
2 cups
½ tsp.
1/3 cup
Tapioca flour
Dry buttermilk powder
Bread flour
Bread machine yeast
Macadamia nuts, chopped
Green onion, chopped
Xanthan gum
Fresh dill, chopped
Bread machine yeast
GluTen fRee heRb bRead,
1-lb. loaf
GluTen fRee
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
PumPeRnICkel bRead, 1-lb. loaf
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Egg beaters, at room temperature
1-lb. (eaCh)
¾ cup
1/3 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
¾ cup
Cheese & chive egg beaters,
at room temperature
2½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1 tbsp.
½ tsp.
Egg white
Canola oil
White rice flour
Brown rice flour
Potato flour
½ cup + 2 tbsp.
½ cup
Cider vinegar
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
White rice flour
Potato starch
1 cup
1/3 cup
¼ cup
Tapioca flour
Potato starch
Dry skim milk powder
¼ cup + 2 tbsp.
Tapioca flour
3 tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
1¼ tsp.
1 tsp.
2 tbsp.
1/3 cup
Firmly packed brown sugar
Xanthan gum
1 tbsp.
Cocoa powder
Xanthan gum
1½ tsp.
¾ tsp.
Instant coffee granules
1 tsp.
¾ tsp.
Herbs d’Provence
Bread machine yeast
½ tsp.
Bread machine yeast
1½ tsp.
2½ tsp.
seeded GluTen fRee bRead,
1-lb. loaf
GluTen fRee PoTaTo & ChIVe
bRead, 1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select GluTen fRee cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
7 oz.
1-lb. (eaCh)
½ cup + 2 tbsp.
3 oz.
Milk (80°F – 90°F)
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Egg beaters, at room temperature
Cottage cheese, at room temperature
Vegetable oil
Egg beaters, at room
3 oz.
½ cup
Melted butter or margarine
Cider vinegar
3 tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
½ tsp.
½ tsp.
Cider vinegar
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
Gluten free bread mix
Golden flax seeds
Sesame seeds
½ pkg. (16 oz.)
1 tbsp.
White rice flour
1 cup
¼ cup
1 tbsp.
Instant potato buds
Potato starch
¼ cup
Black sesame seeds
1½ tsp.
¼ cup
Dry skim milk powder
Tapioca flour
¼ cup
¼ cup
Snipped fresh chives
2 tbsp.
2 tbsp.
¾ tsp.
11/8s tsp.
Bread machine yeast
loW CaRb Whole WheaT bRead,
1-lb. loaf
1. Measure ingredients into 1-lb. bread pan in the order listed.
2. Insert bread pan securely into baking chamber. Close lid.
Plug unit into wall outlet.
3. Select loW CaRb cycle and (2) 1.0-lb. loaf sIZe.
Press the sTaRT button.
4. The complete signal will sound when bread is done.
5. Using pot holders remove bread pan from baking chamber and
carefully remove bread from pan. (If kneading paddle remains in
bread, remove paddle once bread has cooled.)
note: Use the ingredient measures below for each of the
1-lb. loaf pans.
1-lb. (eaCh)
1 cup
Water (80°F – 90°F)
Unsalted butter or margarine,
cut in pieces
2 tbsp.
6. Allow bread to cool on a wire rack until ready to serve
(at least 20 minutes).
Large egg, at room temperature
Lemon juice
1 tsp.
eaCh Pan makes one 1-lb. loaf
¾ tsp.
1¼ cups
¼ cup
¼ cup
¼ cup
2 tbsp.
¼ cup
1½ tbsp.
1½ tbsp.
2¼ tsp.
Whole wheat flour
Protein whey
Vital wheat gluten
Psyllium husk powder
Flax seed meal
Wheat bran
Nutritional yeast flakes
Oat bran
Bread machine yeast
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